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DachzeltDachlast statisch vs. dynamisch für Dachzelt

Dynamic vs. static roof load - What does this mean for your roof tent?

If you are thinking about buying a roof tent, you will quickly come across two important terms: dynamic roof load and static roof load. But what exactly do these values mean and how do they affect ...

OverlandingLand Rover Defender 110 Overlanding Umbau

Land Rover Defender 110 Overlanding Conversion

The Land Rover Defender 110 is the ideal partner for any overlanding adventure. In this blog post we show you how to equip your vehicle with products to be ready for the wilderness.

DachzeltWildcampen in Deutschland: Die schönsten Stellplätze und wo sie zu finden sind

Wild camping in Germany: The most beautiful campsites and where to find them

Everything you need to know about the legal situation regarding wild camping in Germany, as well as practical alternatives for a safe adventure, can be found here.

OverlandingTop 5 Overlanding-Reiseziele in Europa

Top 5 overlanding destinations in Europe

Summer is just around the corner and with it begins the perfect time for adventures and discoveries in the great outdoors. Get inspired by our top 5 overlanding destinations in Europe.

OverlandingWind, Sonne und Regen: Optimaler Schutz vor jedem Wetter

Wind, sun and rain: optimal protection from any weather

Find out how you can brave any weather while traveling by choosing the right equipment and the ideal camping spot.